Enable CUR in AWS
We recommend that you enable Cost and Usage Reports (CUR) for your AWS accounts to ensure that you have a copy of your comprehensive AWS usage data, before starting the onboarding process with DoiT. There is no charge for enabling Cost and Usage Reports, while storing the billing reports data in your Amazon S3 bucket is billed at standard Amazon S3 rates.
Create Cost and Usage Reports
To create Cost and Usage Reports in AWS:
Sign in to the AWS Billing and Cost Management console as an IAM user with Admin and Billing privileges or the root user of the organization's management account (the payer account of the organization)
Select Cost & Usage Reports in the navigation pane, and then select Create report.
On the Specify report details page, enter a report name(e.g. aws-usage-report), and select the following options:
Report content: Additional content – Include resource IDs
Report data processing settings: Data refresh settings – Refresh automatically
On the Set delivery options page, select Create a bucket in the Configure S3 Bucket dialog box.
Enter a bucket name (e.g. {YOUR_COMPANY_NAME}-aws-billing, or as instructed by your DoiT contact), and choose the Region for the new bucket.
Make sure to choose the region US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1.
Review and confirm the default policy to be applied to the new bucket.
For Report delivery options, configure the settings as below:
Report path prefix: billing (or as instructed by your DoiT contact)
Time granularity: Hourly
Report versioning: Create new report version
Compression type: GZIP
Review the report settings and select Review and Complete.
It can take up to 24 hours for AWS to start delivering reports to your Amazon S3 bucket. After delivery starts, AWS updates the AWS Cost and Usage Reports files at least once a day. See AWS Documentation: Creating Cost and Usage Reports for more information.
Backfill cost data
To get reports for billing periods before the date when you enabled CUR in AWS, open a support case with AWS to request a backfill of your cost data.
Log in to the AWS Support Center, select Create case.
Select Account and Billing, choose the following options.
Service: Billing
Category: Invoices & Reports
Describe the request on the Additional information page.
Subject: Be clear that it's about CUR file backfilling.
Description: Include the beginning date and end date of the backfill.
On the Solve now or contact us page, select Web as the response preference and add your Dcode.tech contacts as Additional Contacts.
Verify backfill
To verify that the cost data has been backfilled:
Sign in to the AWS S3 Console.
Select the bucket that you created to receive the reports.
AWS delivers the report to the report-prefix/report-name folder. If you named your report as aws-usage-report and the report path prefix as billing, you'll find your report in the billing/aws-usage-report folder.
AWS delivers all reports in a report date range to the same report-prefix/report-name/yyyymmdd-yyyymmdd folder. See Amazon S3 organization and naming conventions for details.
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